This page is for providing helpful tools, resources, and articles. I hope to build a compendium of cool sites that anyone can enjoy.
I will not link to HTTP-only websites. Personal recommendations and favorites of mine are marked with a '+'
TO-DO: Sort and Organize site lists, many more sites to be added, VPN writeup, Torrenting writeup, more personal recommendations.
The most important things in an OS/distro to me are security and stability - and cohesion is king in software design.
Slackware » - The "KISS" philosophy reigns supreme with Slackware. Blissfully simple and effective, but not for new Linux users.
+ SalixOS » - Salix is a more user-friendly and intuitive derivative of Slackware.
If the Internet is a window with a pleasant view of the world, VPNs are the blinds to keep the world from getting a pleasant view of you.
"I have nothing to hide" - This is correct, because you won't have anything to hide. Protect as much personal data and info as you can.
VPNs are not enough for total privacy. They are simply a good first step and generally sufficient for daily browsing.
I'll probably do a write-up on the importance of online privacy and VPNs in the future on a separate page. For now I'll recommend and talk about a few.
My current VPN provider. No-logs, cheap, and the most private. Accounts have no personal info, and they accept crypto (including xmr).
Mullvad provides a list of external audits » and has a flawless track record in regards to logs and user information.
Mullvad also offers a secure browser » they developed with the Tor Project. Unlike Tor, it's meant to be used with a VPN.
Visit their site: Mullvad »
Proton offers a suite of services alongside their VPN. With their VPN they provide email, a password manager, and cloud storage.
They've passed several no-logs policy audits ». I've seen one instance » of user data turnover from Proton.
They do offer a free tier ». If you are absolutely not willing to pay money for a VPN, use Proton.
Visit their site: Proton »
The FBI recommends using an adblocker: ic3.gov »
View an IPs public torrent downloads and distributions: iknowwhatyoudownload.com »
Ricard Bejarano - SMS phishing is way too easy: bejarano.io »
List of known Tor exit nodes: check.torproject.org »
Pentesting Resource Repo: github.com »
Martin Vigo - Getting a phone number from an email and Phonerator: martinvigo.com »
DeHashed - A compromised asset database: dehashed.com »
Old school website about frogs: allaboutfrogs.com »
Amazing ASCII art website: ascii.co.uk »
Sherlock - OSINT tool for searching usernames across the web: github.com »
Pentesting simulations and learning: 0x0539 »
Steganography tool: imgconceal.github »
Neat fully visual search engine: same.energy »
Old school website about Pre-IBM PC Computers: pc-history.org »
Dovydas Vėsa - Who owns your VPN?: vpnpro.com »